Indices CFDs


Indices CFDs (Contracts for Difference) offer traders the opportunity to speculate on the performance of a stock market index without needing to buy or sell the underlying stocks. Indices represent a collection of stocks from a specific market or sector, and trading indices CFDs allows you to profit from movements in the overall market or specific sectors.


What are Indices CFDs?

Indices CFDs are financial derivatives that allow traders to speculate on the price movements of stock market indices. When trading an index CFD, you enter into a contract with a broker to exchange the difference in the index’s price from the time the contract is opened to when it is closed. If the index rises and you have taken a long (buy) position, you make a profit; if it falls and you have taken a short (sell) position, you benefit from the decline.

Vorteile von




Trading indices CFDs allows you to gain exposure to a broad range of stocks within an index, providing diversification and reducing the risk associated with individual stock investments.



CFDs offer the ability to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. This can amplify potential returns, but also increases the risk of significant losses.

Access to Major Markets


Indices CFDs cover a range of major global markets, such as the S&P 500, FTSE100, DAX 30, and Nikkei 225, enabling traders to tap into different economic regions and sectors.

No Need for Physical Shares


When trading index CFDs, you don’t need to buy or sell the underlying shares of the companies within the index, simplifying the trading process.

Flexible Trading Opportunities


Händler können sowohl Long- (Kauf-) als auch Short- (Verkaufs-)Positionen eingehen und so sowohl von steigenden als auch von fallenden Märkten profitieren.

Trade different with


Tight and competitive spreads​

Weltklasse mit engen und wettbewerbsfähigen Spreads über die gesamte Produktpalette hinweg ​

Ultraschnelle Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit

Wir streben stets nach schnellen Ausführungsgeschwindigkeiten für alle Produkte in unserem Sortiment.​

Flexibler Hebel

Handeln Sie mit einem Hebel von bis zu 500:1, was eine größere Positionsgröße im Verhältnis zum Handelskapital ermöglicht.

Amillex Produkte

Indices Market Spreads, Commissions and

Die Spalten Spreads, Swapsätze und Provisionen dienen lediglich zur Orientierung. Die Währung für Swaps und Provisionen richtet sich nach Ihrer Kontowährung.

Symbol Ziffern Currency Average Spread Kontraktgröße SWAP Long SWAP Short Fixed Leverage
AUS200 Australia 200 2 AUD 250 10 -230.836 -1299.75 100
CA60 Canada 60 2 CAD 90 100 -40.5646 -104.92 100
CN50 China A50 2 USD 700 10 -17.2185 -20.1556 100
ES35 Spain 35 2 EUR 580 10 -304.086 -5619.66 100
EU50 Euro 50 2 EUR 200 10 -122.016 -1373.38 100
FRA40 France 40 2 EUR 250 10 -218.253 -2469.24 100
GER40 Germany 40 2 EUR 450 10 -498.203 -138.307 100
HK50 Hong Kong 50 2 HKD 400 100 -494.704 -749.384 100
HSCH Hong Kong China H-Shares 2 HKD 1000 100 -175.418 -395.534 100
JP225 Japan 225 2 JPY 780 1000 -434.666 -414.225 100
NAS100 US Nasdaq 100 2 USD 200 10 -527.746 0.2075 100
NETH25 Netherlands 25 2 EUR 40 100 -22.2898 -273.18 100
NOR25 Norway 25 2 NOK 90 1000 -39.3585 -9.8828 100
SP500 US SP 500 2 USD 130 10 -151.761 0.2075 100
UK100 UK 100 2 GBP 290 10 -268.952 -2075.25 100
US30 US Dow Jones 30 2 USD 310 10 -1145.966 0.2075 100
USD_Index_Forward US Dollar Index Forward 2 USD 5 1000 N/A N/A 100



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