

Energy commodities are essential resources that fuel the global economy, including oil, natural gas, coal, and renewable energy sources. The trading of these commodities can be highly lucrative due to their critical role in industry and daily life. One of the ways to engage in energy commodity trading is through Contracts for Difference (CFDs), which allow traders to speculate on price movements without owning the physical commodities.


Crude Oil West Texas



Crude Oil Brent



Natural Gas



What Are Energy Commodity CFDs?

Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are financial derivatives that enable traders to profit from the price fluctuations of underlying assets, such as energy commodities. When trading energy commodity CFDs, you enter into a contract with a broker to exchange the difference between the opening and closing prices of the commodity. If the price moves in your favor, you earn a profit; if it moves against you, you incur a loss.


Top 6 Factors Influencing Energy Prices:

Influencing Energy Prices

Supply and Demand: Imbalances directly impact prices, with shortages driving prices up and oversupply lowering them.

Geopolitical Events: Conflicts and instability in key regions can disrupt supply, causing price spikes.

OPEC Decisions: OPEC’s production targets directly influence global oil supply and prices.

Influencing Energy Prices

Natural Disasters and Weather: Extreme weather and disasters can damage infrastructure and limit supply, leading to price volatility.

Government Regulations: Policies and environmental regulations affect production costs and pricing.

Global Economic Conditions: Economic growth boosts energy demand and prices, while recessions reduce both.

Vorteile von




CFDs allow traders to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital, amplifying potential returns. However, this also increases risk, so it’s important to use leverage wisely.

Market Flexibility


Traders can take both long (buy) and short (sell) positions, allowing them to profit in both rising and falling markets.

Diverse Options


Energy CFDs cover a range of commodities, including crude oil, natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil, providing various trading opportunities.

No Physical Storage Required


Trading CFDs eliminates the need to handle or store physical commodities, simplifying the trading process.

Globaler Marktzugang


Energy CFD trading provides exposure to international markets and various energy exchanges, allowing traders to capitalize on global trends and events.

Handeln Sie anders mit


Enge und wettbewerbsfähige Spreads​

Weltklasse mit engen und wettbewerbsfähigen Spreads über die gesamte Produktpalette hinweg ​

Ultraschnelle Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit

Wir streben stets nach schnellen Ausführungsgeschwindigkeiten für alle Produkte in unserem Sortiment.​

Flexibler Hebel

Handeln Sie mit einem Hebel von bis zu 500:1, was eine größere Positionsgröße im Verhältnis zum Handelskapital ermöglicht.

Amillex Produkte

Energy Market Spreads, Commissions and

Die Spalten Spreads, Swapsätze und Provisionen dienen lediglich zur Orientierung. Die Währung für Swaps und Provisionen richtet sich nach Ihrer Kontowährung.

Symbol Ziffern Average Spread Kommission Kontraktgröße SWAP Long SWAP Short Maximaler Hebel
XTIUSD Crude Oil West Texas 3 34 0 1000 6.324 -88.4196 100
XBRUSD Crude Oil Brent 3 35 0 1000 4.54248 -54.6664 100
XNGUSD Natural Gas 3 6 0 10000 -25.65496 1.0404 50



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